No non-banking institution other than a company shall undertake the business of Peer to Peer Lending Platform. No NBFC-P2P shall commence or carry on the business.....
NBFC-P2P shall maintain a Leverage Ratio not exceeding 2.The aggregate exposure of a lender to all borrowers at any point of time, across all P2Ps, shall be subject to a cap of 10,00,000/-.
1. An NBFC-P2P shall - act as an intermediary providing an online marketplace or platform to the participants involved in Peer to Peer lending; not raise deposits as defined by .....
Fund transfer between the participants on the Peer to Peer Lending Platform shall be through escrow account mechanisms which will be operated by a trustee. At least two escrow accounts.....
NBFC-P2P shall ensure that the providing of services to a participant, who has applied for availing of such services, is backed by appropriate agreements between the participants....