Freezing of Folios of physical shareholders... Last date for KYC is 30th September 2023... Act now Ref: SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37

unclaimed shares
Recover Unclaimed Dividends of PI Industries Limited

Recover Unclaimed Dividends of PI Industries Limited from IEPF

Unlock Your Hidden Treasure: Reclaiming Unclaimed Dividends from PI Industries with MUDS Management Imagine this scenario: you’re scrolling through your financial news feed, sipping your morning coffee, when a headline catches your eye – “Millions in unclaimed dividends lying dormant, waiting to be reunited with their rightful owners.” You pause, intrigued, and wonder if perhaps […]
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Claim Unclaimed Shares of Trent Limited

Claim Unclaimed Shares of Trent Limited from IEPF Authority

Unlock Your Hidden Wealth: Reclaiming Unclaimed Shares of Trent Limited with MUDS Management Imagine this scenario: you’re flipping through the financial pages of your favorite newspaper, and a headline catches your eye – “Millions of unclaimed shares await their rightful owners.” You pause, intrigued, and wonder if perhaps a slice of that untapped fortune belongs […]
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Where do Unclaimed Shares Go?

Where do Unclaimed Shares Go?

Have you ever wondered what happens to long-forgotten shares that retail investors purchase during public issues or accumulate over years but fail to monitor periodically? Beyond companies attempting to trace shareholders through notices, the law mandates transfer of unclaimed equity to a common Investor Protection Fund after specified timelines. This article simplifies the concept of […]
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Claim Unclaimed Shares of Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited from IEPF Authority

Claim Unclaimed Shares of Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Limited from IEPF Authority

Holding shares of companies in physical certificate forms has been a long-followed practice in stock market investing since the beginning. However, with advancements in technology and emphasis on improving ease of trading, the concept of dematerialization of securities has transformed how investors hold and transact shares today.  Dematerialization refers to the conversion of physical share […]
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Claim Unclaimed Shares of Godrej Consumer Products Limited from IEPF Authority

Claim Unclaimed Shares of Godrej Consumer Products Limited from IEPF Authority

Recovering Your Unclaimed Shares of Godrej Consumer Products from IEPF Authority Godrej Consumer Products Ltd (GCPL) is one of the leading Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) companies in India with presence across categories like homecare, haircare, personal care etc. As a widely held public listed company, GCPL has lakhs of individual shareholders across the country […]
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