How Online PoSH Training can be Made Effective
The PoSH Act, 2013 or sexual harassment of women at workplace act is a legislative act in India that is intended towards the protection of women from workplace sexual harassment. The PoSH act was passed by parliament in 2013 and came into effect from 9 December 2013.
Workplace harassment is a growing and very disturbing issue for many that that has put many hard-working women under a stress. Studies show that around 60% of women experience workplace sexual harassment and 90% ends up not reporting the sexual harassment case because of social norms, lack of proper actions taken, fear of humiliation etc.
What Does the Act Say?
Sexual Harassment at workplace of women states that any organization with more than 10 employees must implement this law. The Posh law also states that these organizations should form an Internal Complaints Committee with a woman heading it. Also, it is the responsibility of the organization to train their employees regarding the act and increase awareness among all.
Advantages of Online PoSH Training
POSH (Prevention of sexual harassment) training should be imparted through e-learning method rather than classroom training as the online PoSH training is flexible in nature. Also, the offline classes sometimes give rather sensitive information that many women might not feel comfortable to study along with others which could lead to a lot of unsolved doubts. Whereas e-learning ensures that people can train properly with their own pace and time in the comfort of their home. Also, various scenarios can be worked on and explained with better effectiveness with virtual aids in online posh training.
How Online PoSH Training Can be Made Effective?
- A new module should be initiated by an experienced staff or a senior management employee because people have a tendency to follow the people they look up to.
- Every new joinee must complete these modules. Also, all existing staffs should complete modules at least once a year.
- The modules tend to be boring that can be avoided by adding silhouettes that explain do’s and don’ts clearly.
- Statistics should be introduced related to the topics; the employees should not only be educated about the topic they should be made aware of it so that it actually has some societal value.
- The module should end by showing year-wise statistics related to Harassment cases and how the new act affected the numbers.