Freezing of Folios of physical shareholders... Last date for KYC is 30th September 2024... Act now Ref: SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37


Major Amendment in Secretarial Standard 1

Major Amendment in Secretarial Standard 1

Major Amendment in Secretarial Standard 1

This Standard prescribes a set of principles for convening and conducting Meetings of the Board of Directors and matters related thereto. Revised Secretarial Standard 1 shall be effective w.e.f. 1st October 2017. There are some alterations made in the revised SS-1 in comparison to former SS-1


Secretarial Standard 1a


Secretarial Standard 1b


Amendment in Secretarial Standard 1




Secretarial Standard


Amendment in Secretarial


Secretarial Standard 1g


Secretarial Standard 1h


Secretarial Standard 1i


Secretarial Standard 1j


Secretarial Standard 1k


Secretarial Standard 1l


Secretarial Standard 1m


Secretarial Standard 1n


Secretarial Standard 1o


Secretarial Standard 1p


Secretarial Standard 1q





It was rightly said by Ralph Waldo Emerson– “Every Wall is a Door”
Thus, take a step forward to open the door for the new FDI norms.

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