Freezing of Folios of physical shareholders... Last date for KYC is 30th September 2023... Act now Ref: SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/MIRSD/MIRSD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/37

ESOP for private companies
ESOP benefits

What are the ESOPs Benefits for Employees

What are the ESOPs Benefits for Employees As part of a compensation plan, esop benefit for private companies have a number of goals to pursue. These not only assist in the creation of wealth for workers but also in aligning employees’ aspirations with the Company’s overarching aim and assisting in employee retention. In today’s fast-paced […]
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ESOP for private companies

Employee Stock Option Plan Taxation Simplified

Employee Stock Option Plan Taxation Simplified Employee stock option plan (‘ESOPs’ or ‘Options’) [we’ve used employee stock option plans as a generic word for different equity-settled instruments] are a typical means for employers to share the wealth created by their employees as a form of remuneration. ESOPs are taxed as ordinary income upon exercise and as long-term capital […]
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