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The future of IP laws and how AI will affect IP laws?

The future of IP laws and how AI will affect IP laws

The future of IP laws and how AI will affect IP laws?

Almost everyone in our digital age is surrounded by cutting-edge technology, from cellphones to highly competent robots. Humans have built robots that can operate better and quicker than humans even today. There is no dispute about the precision with which technology performs its task. However, it may be harmful to humans in the future since it is assumed that if humans continue to create robots, there will come a day when robots will take over human labor. Several Hollywood films are entirely centered on how robots took over the earth and governed it. Therefore, we need to look into the matter. In this blog, we are going to talk about IP laws and how AI can affect IP laws in the future.

Before moving ahead let’s get clear of a picture of AI and IP

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Vendors have been scurrying to market how their goods and services incorporate AI as the excitement around AI has grown. What they call AI is frequently just one component of AI, such as machine learning. For creating and training machine learning algorithms, AI requires a foundation of specialized hardware and software. Although no one programming language is synonymous with AI, a handful stand out, including Python, R, and Java.

AI systems, in general, function by consuming vast volumes of labeled training data, evaluating the data for correlations and patterns, and then using these patterns to forecast future states.

By analyzing millions of instances, a chatbot given examples of text chats may learn to generate lifelike dialogues with humans, and an image recognition program can learn to recognize and describe things in photos.

Learning, reasoning, and self-correction are the three cognitive capabilities that AI programming focuses on.

Processes of learning: This part of AI programming is concerned with gathering data and formulating rules for turning it into useful knowledge. Algorithms are rules that give computer equipment step-by-step instructions for completing a certain task.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) is a type of property that encompasses intangible intellectual works.

Intellectual property comes in various forms, and some governments recognize it more than others. Copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets are the most well-known categories. In the 17th and 18th centuries, England pioneered the current notion of intellectual property. Although the phrase “intellectual property” was coined in the nineteenth century, it was not until the late twentieth century that it became widely accepted in the majority of the world’s legal systems.

Intellectual property law’s fundamental goal is to stimulate the production of a wide range of intellectual commodities. To do this, the law grants individuals and corporations property rights to the information and intellectual property they generate, generally for a limited time. This provides a financial incentive for their production since it allows individuals to profit from the information and intellectual property they generate, as well as safeguard their ideas and prevent duplication. These financial incentives are supposed to promote innovation and contribute to countries’ technical advancement, depending on the level of protection provided to innovators.

Background: the future of IP laws

Artificial Intelligence is not a new concept; we are all familiar with it. Artificial Intelligence is what we term it when machines or robots function in a human-like manner. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a mash-up of many viewpoints on AI research and growth. Some argue that Artificial Intelligence will eventually replace humans and become more robust than humans, while others welcome AI advancements and believe that it will increase human life quality.

As we all know, intellectual property laws protect the work generated by our minds or intelligence. When it comes to Artificial Intelligence, however, IP rights of ownership over the work generated by AI are yet uncertain.

The conflict between AI and IP

Many large corporations, including Microsoft and IBM, have filed patent applications for AI and have been granted patents for AI technology. There is no question that AI will have a large market in the future. Many businesses are pouring billions of dollars into AI research and development. The World Intellectual Property Organisation divides AI into three groups (WIPO). Perception systems, natural-language systems, and expert systems are the three types.

Artificial intelligence (AI) that imitates human senses is known as ‘perception systems.’ The field of ‘Natural-Language Systems’ is concerned with the semantics and grammatical mistakes of words used by artificial intelligence. Finally, the term ‘expert systems’ is linked to the solution of difficult issues.

Finally, the term ‘Expert Systems’ refers to complicated issues that are solved using AI data.

Many individuals believe that AI will be able to file and award patent applications in the next years, posing a challenge to the reasoning underlying IPR rules. Intellectual property laws are intended to safeguard the work of the human mind. Intellectual property rules govern the work created by a creative mind. In 2016, the United States Copyright Office denied an application to protect work created by a computer. They went on to say that copyright laws exist to protect the work of creative minds. The European Union has drafted a document outlining the potential threats to humanity posed by AI’s knowledge and cognition. The study emphasizes the need of restricting AI’s ability to avoid future harm.

AI and Copyright

The author is given the ability to safeguard his work through copyright. The work can be literary, musical, theatrical, artistic, or any combination of these. The purpose of Copyright is to safeguard the work of a human being’s creative mind or intellect. AI may now generate creative art without the need for human intervention, thanks to technological advancements. Today, it’s a question of whether or not an AI’s work is protected. When we look at the Indian Copyright legislation, it appears that protecting AI-created work is challenging. As a result, we may split AI’s work into two groups. The first will be AI-created art that has been influenced by humans, while the second will be AI-created work that has not been influenced by humans.

AI and Patent

Artificial Intelligence is certain to cause a spat in the patent industry. Various law firms and jurists have expressed differing opinions on whether or not a patent should be issued for an innovation generated by Artificial Intelligence. Who will be the holder or software developer of the Artificial Intelligence if the Patent is awarded to the same person? There is no other group that believes Artificial Intelligence’s innovation should be granted a patent. They believe it will contribute to the development of more inventive machines in the future.

AI  and Trademark

We’ve used Artificial Intelligence to help us meet our regular obligations, from smartphones to smart refrigerators and smart air conditioning. When we search for or purchase something online, we look for the most reputable brands. However, due to their selective strategy, AUI has a good possibility of obstructing market competition. It’s difficult to see how AI may infringe on trademarks. New trademark laws and regulations in the area of artificial intelligence are desperately needed.


After addressing the future of IP Laws and how AI will impact IP Laws, it is obvious that IP Laws are insufficient to cope with AI-related labor, inventions, and innovations at the moment. Every year, technology advances to a new level. We all utilize Artificial Intelligence on our devices nowadays, from fingerprints to facial IDs.

All Intellectual Property Laws refer to human-created work that is protected. Patent laws, like trademark laws, deal with human creations. According to the author, there has been a current push to change the IP laws governing AI. Artificial Intelligence should not be the owner of their innovation/work; rather, the software developer should be the owner and be held accountable for the acts performed by the AI.

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