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Year: 2021
RBI Permits NBFCs, PSOs Authorization for Aadhaar e-KYC Authentication License

RBI Permits NBFCs, PSOs Authorization for Aadhaar e-KYC Authentication License

Authentication License RBI has announced that it has solicited applications to get the Aadhaar e-KYC authentication license from NBFCs, payment system providers, and payment system participants. Credit and Financial Offers for MSME: Allowing Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) and Paid System Operators (PSOs) to get Aadhaar’s Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) authentication license would enable MSME […]
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Safeguard your Trademark with Renewal of Trademarks

Safeguard Your Trademark With Renewal of trademarks

Safeguard Your Trademark With Renewal of trademarks Trademarks are visually emphasised markings that help consumers recognise the company or person who developed the products or services. Under the Trademark Act of 1999, such marks can be registered with Trademark Registry Offices. There are 5 trademark registry facilities in India: Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, and Ahmadabad. […]
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Recover Shares of Kotak Mahindra from IEPF

Recover Shares of Kotak Mahindra from IEPF

Recover Shares of Kotak Mahindra from IEPF In 32 years, a one-lakh-rupee investment grew to 1,400 crores. This Is The Real Deal. A lakh invested in 1985 is today worth Rs. 1,400 crore. This demonstrates the Kotak Mahindra Group’s rapid expansion over the previous three decades. Today, the Kotak Mahindra Group is a prominent financial […]
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RBI’s Revision on Regulatory Framework for NBFCs

Urgent Notice: RBI’s Revision on Regulatory Framework for NBFCs

Urgent Notice: RBI’s Revision on Regulatory Framework for NBFCs In terms of complexity, technical sophistication, interconnection, operations, and scale, NBFCs have developed significantly throughout the years. With new products, several NBFCs have begun to move into new financial services areas. Because of the significant rise of NBFCs in recent years, the RBI has updated the […]
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NEO Banks - Future of Banking Sector

NEO Banks: Future of Banking Sector

NEO Bank Overview Banks have been around for a long time. Banking has a long history in India, dating back to 1750 BC. As people and organisations, we have historically relied on banks for all of our financial requirements. Banks have provided us with everything we needed, from checking and savings accounts to credit cards, […]
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Managing ESOPs after rollout

Managing ESOPs after rollout

Managing ESOPs after rollout Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) are used to motivate employees and give them a sense of “ownership.” The process does not finish with the distribution of Grant letters to workers; rather, it begins there. Furthermore, because ESOPs are a long-term investment, it is critical to engage, support, and keep Option holders […]
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The future of IP laws and how AI will affect IP laws

The future of IP laws and how AI will affect IP laws?

The future of IP laws and how AI will affect IP laws? Almost everyone in our digital age is surrounded by cutting-edge technology, from cellphones to highly competent robots. Humans have built robots that can operate better and quicker than humans even today. There is no dispute about the precision with which technology performs its […]
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Recover Shares of Britannia Industries from IEPF

Recover Shares of Britannia Industries from IEPF

Recover Shares of Britannia Industries from IEPF “2,200% yield in ten years, and this 100-year-old brand still has moats” Varun Berry, Managing Director, is a fervent believer. He sees two critical elements working in the company’s favour that are impossible to find in any of its competitors. This year, to commemorate the company’s 100th anniversary, […]
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