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The Primacy and Execution of Society Registration Act 1860 Bye-Laws

The Primacy and Execution of Society Registration Act 1860 Bye-Laws

The Primacy and Execution of Society Registration Act 1860 Bye-Laws

The registered society is regarded in the legal context as the collection of enthusiasts working to improve society in the ways stipulated by the regulations. The Society Registration Act of 1860, with a lengthy collection of by-laws, covers registered societies, India. This Act controls nearly all aspects of society and acts as a legal foundation. The wording of the Bylaws is the responsibility of the serving members, who have a mandate under the abovementioned Act to serve such a purpose.

The term society refers to a group of individuals who are constantly socialising with one another. A society also consists of a big social group that shares the same physical and social region. The term “society” is derived from the Latin word “Socius,” which meaning “association” or “companionship.” Individuals or autonomous original human beings are regarded as the fundamental component of society. When one person interacts or communicates with another, groups are formed.

When these groups contact and speak with one another again, they create some kind of bond, which leads to the creation of society. For example, if the members of a football team, a cricket team, or any other sport band together, they will not be referred to as a society, but rather as a group of individuals. Within a society, there must be divisions based on likes, differences, and dislikes. ‘Likeness’ aids in the formation of a series of relationships between different persons who have similarities in many situations such as having the same career, same dwelling, same caste, family togetherness, same age group of people, sex, and so on.

In a society, people with similar interests band together to establish numerous groups and classifications. Human beings rely on society to provide their basic wants and desires, such as food, housing, protection, education, and so on. Societies can be created at both the local and national levels.

A.W Green defines society as “the broadest group in which an individual has ties.”

According to Prof. Wright, “it is a system of relationships that exists among the people in the groups.”

Bye-laws are designed to guarantee that the society under the Society Registration Act 1860 is regulated entirely. The bylaws of the Society Registration Act of 1860 will be discussed in-depth in this article.

What are the Functions of Society Registration Bye-Laws?

  • Bye-laws relate to legislative directives aimed at regulating various social issues and their operation.
  • Bye-laws also help provide a clear picture of how legal issues are overcome.
  • Bye-laws are legislative actions to be taken against an alleged member for the sake of personal profit, for violation of his/her obligations.
  • Bye-laws under this Law allow society to support legislative measures for the management of diverse businesses, including dissolution, misbehaviour, the allocation of funds, suitability requirements, examination of documents, etc.
  • It highlights a definite process for appointing members or authority delegations.

The authorised officer or active members shall take into consideration the Society Registration Act, 1860 when writing the by-laws.

The process involved in the design and implementation of Society Registration Bye-Laws

  1. The actual objective behind the inclusion of by-laws should be explained. Make sure you adopt the basic aim of the planned society to fulfil this goal. It is able to overcome legal problems.
  2. Identify the bye-laws by the essential members. Before performing the same, keep in contact with the field specialist.
  3. Incorporate in a legible style important parts and articles. The extensive regulations of a company generally involve the following aspects;
  • Society name and address
  • The specific location of the procedure
  • Society’s main aims
  • Qualifications and membership disqualification
  • Membership age limits
  • Exclusive privileges for active members
  • Procedure to make use of the membership of the society
  • the procedure for membership withdrawal
  • Deportation of Member
  • Rights and liabilities of Member
  • Transfer of membership
  • Society Dissolving
  • Clause of arbitration

The; penal measures on members convicted of breaching specific laws also underlie, other from the abovementioned areas. Standards for committee sessions to discuss all matters.

The aforementioned provisions may differ on a case-by-case basis.

Which societies are included in the scope of this Act?

The following societies may be registered under this Act:

Charitable societies, military orphan funds, or societies established at India’s various presidencies, societies established for the promotion of science, literature, or the fine arts, for instruction, the dissemination of useful knowledge, [the diffusion of political education], the establishment or maintenance of libraries or reading-rooms for general use among members or open to the public.

Why are bye-laws of Society Registration important for the Society’s survival?

  • Bye-laws provide support for the company to function effortlessly since they establish a sustainable law structure.
  • Conflicts and disagreements that threaten the interests of society and its members contribute to settling legal conflicts
  • In view of the clarity of members’ duties mentioned under the statute stated above, the Bye-laws enable companies to introduce openness within the organisational structure.
  • Bye-laws guide society in the proper path in dealing with sensitive issues such as the winding-up, the allocation of funds etc.

Criteria for Amending the Bye-Laws of a Society Registration

  1. It is not feasible to alter any by-law unless such a modification is permitted in accordance with the Act.
  2. In accordance with the provisions of Section 7, which set out the guidelines to be followed by the registrar of the respective jurisdiction before the by-laws of the company are registered, these shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, for the registration and modifications provided that before the registration of the by-law consultations:
  • The State Co-operative Union if the proposed bylaw amendments pertain to a central or apex organisation; or
  • The circuit co-operative alliance if the intended bye-laws belong to any other societies, and
  • the financial institution If the society has an existing mortgage.

(3) Upon registering the proposed Amendment, the Registrar will share a copy of it with the society, together with the registration certification bearing the Registrar’s seal and signature.

(4) In the event of rejection, the Registrar will express his/her concern to the society by enabling the refusal order, which will include the grounds for the rejection, within seven days of the order being communicated with the society.

(4A) The Registrar shall reject an application for Amendment of Bye-Laws within 90 days of receipt of the application.

(4B) In contrast to the preceding state, society may approach;

  • Registrar of Co-operative Societies, if the application is made to an individual who has been delegated the function of the Registrar under paragraph (2) of Section 3.
  • If the application is filed before the Registrar or the Government, the Government should, within 60 days of receipt of such a concern, roll out rules to the concerned authority to discard the same.

Standardized Protocol for Modifying Society Registration Bye-Laws

In general, the following method is followed to change the bye-laws under society registration:

  • The general meeting’s procedure.
  • The resolution to amend the bylaws must be approved by 3/4th of the members present at the meeting.
  • The active members must constitute at least two-thirds of the overall membership.
  • If the Registrar is notified within thirty days of any adjustment to the MOA, he or she will stamp his or her approval for the proposed change.
  • The committee must provide four copies of the current bye-laws, as well as the resolutions passed by the AGM.
  • If the Amendment is deemed to be in accordance with the Society Registration Act of 1860, the Registrar will approve it.
  • The Registrar will issue a certified amended copy, along with the registration certificate.


Bye-laws serve as a legal framework that guides society and keeps it up to date on legal issues. Furthermore, it allows society to make educated and feasible decisions in difficult situations. Aside from that, bye-laws offer the required foundation for penalising wrongdoing both within and outside of society. Keeps us on our toes in case you need further information on the Society Registration Act, 1860 bye-laws.

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